In addition to my commercial work, I'm also available to hire for portraiture, wedding photography and lifestyle photography, as well as wedding cinematography and video production.

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Site07 Creative | Elitch Gardens | Aerial Cinematography | Denver, Colorado
A few select clips of aerial drone video shot above Elitch Gardens amusement park in Denver, Colorado.
Aerial Cinematography, Aerial Video, Denver, Colorado, Drone, Quadcopter, Multirotor, Site07 Creative
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Aerial Cinematography | Elitch Gardens | Denver, Colorado

  |   Aerial Cinematography, Inspiration, Life, Video   |   No comment
Got up early on a Saturday to enjoy a nice, relaxing sunrise flight over an empty Elitch Gardens amusement park in downtown Denver.
No lines, no waiting, no arguments over funnel cake, no $50 slices of pizza. Much more relaxing this way.
If you’re interested in contracting aerial cinematography, or aerial photography for your project, please give me a shout!
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