In addition to my commercial work, I'm also available to hire for portraiture, wedding photography and lifestyle photography, as well as wedding cinematography and video production.

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Site07 Creative | Motion Control Timelapse Photography | Lookout Mountain | Golden, Colorado
A few motion control timelapse sequences shot on Lookout Mountain, outside Golden, Colorado.
Timelapse, Time lapse photography, Motion Control, Denver, Colorado, Video Production, Film and Video, Site07 Creative
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Motion Control Timelapse Photography | Lookout Mountain | Golden, Colorado

  |   Cameras + Gear, Cinematography, Inspiration, Life, Photography, Timelapse, Video   |   No comment
Braved a big snow storm and some frigid temperatures this weekend to shoot what I’m hoping will be the first in a whole series of cool timelapse sequences for an upcoming client video. Planning on capturing a nice catalog of these to use as transitions; starting in Denver, and ending up in Grand Lake, Colorado. Really happy with the results, so far!

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