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Site07 Creative | Site07 Creative | WORK | Event Roost| Branding + Corporate Identity Design
Branding, logo design, and corporate identity development for Event Roost, an exciting new calendar and scheduling application headquartered in Greenwood Village, Colorado. Services rendered included illustration, graphic design, development of type-treatments, style-guides, color bibles, and of course, logo design.
Denver, Colorado, Logo Design, Branding, Corporate Identity, Graphic Design, Illustration, Web Design, Marketing, Advertising, Event Roost, Site07 Creative
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Event Roost

Project Details

EventRoost is a fairly ingenious calendar and event-tracking application developed here in Denver, Colorado by the always brilliant team of Michael and Karen Pellegrin. It’s designed to allow users to create custom calendar events — birthdays, parties, concerts, weddings, movies, and anything else you can think of — and then distribute invitations and reminders to all their friends online.


The calendar concept isn’t new, but EventRoost’s execution is impressively clever and well thought-out. Instead of creating separate invites and notifications for every social-media platform they use, EventRoost lets visitors create a *single* event widget that will disseminate event information to all of their favorite web applications. One interface updates the user’s homepage, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and virtually any other account they post to online. Best of all, should the user decide to switch dates, or times, they only need to visit one location to make updates; EventRoost will automatically propagate their changes across the Net.


Karen and Michael had a *very* clear idea of the creative direction they wanted to take, and how they wanted to represent their company, esthetically, so the discovery process for their branding went incredibly quickly. We had discussed their marketing strategy and personal style at length before I even sat down at the computer,  so I only had to submit three iterations before they picked out a design to polish and finalize. I believe we managed to speed through ideation, production and delivery in just two weeks. Not too shabby!

Project Roles

Branding + Identity Design | Illustration

