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Site07 Creative | Site07 Creative | WORK | Body Mantra | Product Photography, Creative Direction | Denver, CO
Product Photography, created for Boulder, Colorado's Body Mantra, featuring their new line of essential oils.
Denver, Colorado, Commercial Photography, Product Photography, Creative Direction, Art Direction, Advertising, Marketing, Small Business, Site07 Creative, Douglas Koke
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Body Mantra | Product Photography

Project Details

Body Mantra is a wide-reaching health and wellness endeavor that explores personal transformation and self-improvement through physical movement, spiritual consciousness, and self-awareness.


Spearheaded by Reiki Master, Kimberly Jonas, Body Mantra has been serving Boulder, Colorado with classes, seminars, and holistic therapy since 1998.


One of their newest offerings is a line of therapeutic essential oils— which is what Kimberly contacted me about photographing.


Working closely with Kimberly and her partner, we wanted to capture Body Mantra’s products in a manner than we felt was in good keeping with the company’s philosophy and esthetics. Rather than aping the boring, sterile, white-background shots that are common on most websites, we wanted to create a set of images that felt warm, inviting, and would lend some insight into the deeper underpinnings of Kimberly and her services.


After a few consultations we decided that we wanted to create little mini-environments that we felt struck the right visual and emotional tone by employing earthy textures; warm, flowing light, apothecary supplies, and objects symbolic of growth, wellness, and placidity.

Project Roles

Creative Direction | Photography | Re-Touching | Post-Processing

